These boards have 5 holes instead of 1 for a twist on the original game!
Our proven premium board design with signature features like a full 1" thick exterior grade baltic birch frame, convenient rope carrying system, and the ability to use our washer locker to store washers with your boards.
* 24" x 24" Full Size Slanted Playing Surface
* 5/8" Exterior Grade Plywood Top
* Signature 1" Thick Exterior Grade Baltic Birch Frame
* Constructed with Exterior Grade Screws for Durability
* 3" Hole for 2.5" Outside Diameter Washers
* Rope Handle & Slot for Easy Carrying of the Set
* Pre-Drilled Frame for Our Washer Locker
* Don't forget to add our unique Washer Locker. The best way to secure and store your washers with your boards!