Our classic series bags are built to regulation size and weight so you can keep playing and leave the work to us!
**4 Bags – This Is Half A Set So Don't Forget The Rest!**
Standard Features:
* Regulation Size & Weight
* 10 oz. Duck Cloth
* Double Stitched Construction
* 15-16 oz Weight Based on Fill Selection
*Don't forget to add our tote to store and carry your bags!
Corn is perishable so be sure to store your bags in a cool, dry area away from insects and rodents. Allow bags to thoroughly dry if they get wet/damp. Corn dust is an awesome and truly genuine part of the game! It is formed as corn breaks down so over time the bags may begin to feel less full. We also offer all weather fill as an alternative to the original corn fill.
All Weather:
Perfect for playing by the pool, river, and at the beach! Also, a must have for camping trips unless you enjoy feeding the critters! Our all weather fill does not break down the way corn does and it is not perishable so your bags will have a longer life span. We go to great lengths to ensure our fill is as close to the size and weight ratio of corn so your bags have the proper feel.